Monday, May 23, 2011

25 random facts about me!

  1. My last name has an accent on the A.
  2. I am half Spanish.
  3. I have lived in Maryland my whole life.
  4. The only school I ever went to before JC was Harford Day School. I went there for 9 years.
  5. I bite my nails
  6. I wish my hair was a different color
  7. I've been playing tennis for 8 years and I was the only freshman on Varsity.
  8. I used to play the violin and harp.
  9. My favorite color is baby blue
  10. I never make my bed
  11. I like to be on time.
  12. I have been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans twice.
  13. I have sprained my ankle 11 times. I got surgery 2 summers ago.
  14. Sweet tea is my favorite drink
  15. I never make a new years resolution because i know I'll never keep it.
  16. I hate blowing my nose in front of people.
  17. My favorite type of music is Rap.
  18. My favorite rapper is Eminem.
  19. I want to go to Tulane University In New Orleans for college.
  20. My eyes are brown.
  21. I'm always listening to music.
  22. I love to write in pen when something is under the paper.
  23. I wear a lot of bracelets.
  24. I'm really good at writing.
  25. English is my favorite class and the only class I really enjoy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Character Profile: Anna
Name of Character and family relationship: Anna is the daughter of Brian and Sara. Kate is her sister.

Age and Description: She is 13. Skinny with freckles.

Profession in life: student

Personality traits: strong, adult like, outgoing, kind, smart, responsible

Interests and hobbies: Hockey

Quirks:  She is different around certain people. She acts shy and defenseless around her mom and protective around her sister. She acts strong around Julia and Campbell.

Who character is closest to in story: Kate

"You seem pretty worried about your sister right now," I point out. "Are you sure you're ready to face what's going to happen if you stop being a donor? "I know what's going to happen." Anna's voice is low. "I never said I liked it." She raises her face to mine, challenging me to find fault with her. (page 111)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Similies: figure of speech in which 2 things that arent alike are compared by like or as
  • Normal, in our house, is like a blanket too short for a bed. (11) 
  • It smells like the sweaty tongue of a hockey skate (14).
  • When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. (20)
  • Where your whole life stretches out ahead of you like a forked road. (21)
  • It is exactly the kind of case I avoid like the Black Plague. (25)

Metaphor: figure of speech similar to a similie but doesn't use like or as

  • Flames are licking at your heels you've got to break a wall or two if you want to escape.(13)
  • Lately, I have been having nightmare, where I'm cut into so many pieces that there isn't enough of me to be put back together (13)
  • The four-hour surgery isn't a walk in the park, either- you have a 1 in 3,000 chance of dying on the operation table. (50) 
  • When she is tied to the bed, I am her eyes and ears. (58)
  • A heroin-thin boy with enough rings in his eyebrows to resemble a shower curtain rod approaches with a pad.  (91)